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    Of the following Agreements Which One Is Not Void Mcq

    As a writer and copy editor, understanding the legal implications of contracts and agreements is crucial in ensuring that content is accurate and relevant. In this article, we will explore the topic of void agreements and discuss which of the following agreements is not void in a multiple-choice question format.

    Before we dive into the MCQ, it`s important to first have a clear understanding of what a void agreement is. A void agreement is a contract that is not legally enforceable and has no legal effect. It is considered null and void from the beginning, and no party to the agreement can be compelled to perform any of its terms.

    Now, let`s move on to the MCQ.

    Which of the following agreements is NOT void?

    a) An agreement made by a minor

    b) An agreement made under coercion

    c) An agreement made with a person of unsound mind

    d) An agreement to commit a crime

    The answer is (c) An agreement made with a person of unsound mind.

    Let`s break down the reasoning behind this answer. An agreement made by a minor is void because minors are considered to lack legal capacity to enter into contracts. An agreement made under coercion is also void because one party used force or the threat of force to induce the other party to enter into the agreement. Similarly, an agreement to commit a crime is void because it is illegal and against public policy.

    On the other hand, an agreement made with a person of unsound mind is not necessarily void. In some cases, a person of unsound mind may be able to understand the nature and terms of the agreement and may be competent enough to enter into it. However, if the person is unable to understand the agreement or is not competent enough to enter into it, the agreement will be void.

    In conclusion, as a professional, it`s essential to have a good understanding of legal terms and concepts to ensure that content is accurate and relevant. In this article, we have discussed the topic of void agreements and answered the MCQ on which agreement is not void, which was an agreement made with a person of unsound mind.

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