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    Month: March 2023

    Does a 1099 Contractor Need a Business License in Georgia

    As a 1099 contractor in Georgia, one of the questions you may be wondering is whether or not you need a business license to operate. The answer to this question is not cut and dry, as it depends on several factors specific to your situation. In general, if you are providing services as a […]


    The NHMRC Funding Agreement and Deeds Agreement: What You Need to Know The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is Australia`s leading agency for funding health and medical research. The NHMRC provides funding to researchers, institutions and organizations, in order to support and promote research that improves the health and wellbeing of Australians. […]

    Sample Boat Share Agreement

    A sample boat share agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of sharing ownership and use of a boat between two or more parties. It is a crucial document that can help avoid misunderstandings and disputes between boat owners. Boat sharing has become increasingly popular in recent years as it […]

    Housing Authority Contractor

    If you`re looking for information on housing authority contractors, you`re likely interested in learning about the companies that work with local housing authorities to improve and maintain public housing facilities. These contractors are responsible for a wide range of tasks, from fixing plumbing and electrical issues to renovating entire buildings. In many cases, housing […]

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